
symposium on culture against apartheid معنى

  • الندوة المعنية بالثقافة لمناهضة الفصل العنصري
  • symposium    n. ندوة, نقاش حوار ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • culture    n. ثقافة, حضارة, ح ...
  • against    prep. ضد, تجاه, با ...
  • apartheid    n. تمييز عنصري

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. symposium on children in detention in south africa معنى
  2. symposium on cleaner technology applications in developing countries معنى
  3. symposium on conditions essential for maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes معنى
  4. symposium on continental seismicity and earthquake prediction معنى
  5. symposium on corruption and good governance معنى
  6. symposium on current developments and trends in underground storage of natural gas and lpg معنى
  7. symposium on developing countries and international environmental law معنى
  8. symposium on disarmament relating to conventional weapons معنى
  9. symposium on drought معنى
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